Linda V Palmer
Romance Writer
I admit it all started when I fell in love with Roy Rogers in the fifties. Our family TV was boxy; the picture was black and white. That didn’t matter. Roy’s cowboy courage won the day and inspired me to create elaborate scenarios when playing with my sisters and friends outside. Indoors, I read romances in every genre from Sci Fi to Gothic.
I began writing for pleasure in the third grade, mostly poetry, and have letters from my grade school teachers to my parents predicting I'd be a writer. My poems eventually became short stories; My short stories became books. And even though a writing career was never actually a dream, it was something I pursued with intent after winning some writing contests and joining local and national writers’ groups.
Silhouette Books published my first romance novel in l989 and the next twenty over a ten-year period (writing as Linda Varner, my maiden name). In 1999 I took a ten-year break to take care of my family but learned that I couldn't not write. I began again in 2009, changing my genre to young adult/new adult paranormal romance. I've now written over a hundred novels and novellas ranging from traditional romance to erotica. I was honored to be a Romance Writers of America Rita finalist twice and I won the 2011 and 2012 EPIC eBook awards in the Young Adult category. I was also a finalist in that category in 2013 and in 2014.
I've been married to my junior high school sweetheart over fifty years and live in Arkansas, USA with my family. Ever a hopeless romantic, I still fall for unattainable Hollywood heroes that inspire me to write romances about alpha males and the women who stand up to them. Don't tell, but my current crush’s name starts with Tom and ends with Hardy. My website is www.lindavpalmer.com. You can also find me on Facebook: Linda Varner Palmer.